Istanbul Euro-Asia Health & Wellness Forum 2022 (IEAHWF 2022)
AISEP Best Poster Presentation Award
Istanbul Euro-Asia Health & Wellness Forum 2022 (IEAHWF 2022)

Istanbul Euro-Asia Health & Wellness Forum 2022 (IEAHWF 2022)

Department of Physical Education and Sport Teaching, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Hacettepe University in partnership with The Foundation for Global Community Health (GCH) respectfully invite you to participate in the Istanbul Euro-Asia and Global Perspective Linkage of United Nation Sustainable Developement Goals (UNSDG) to be held in Feb 10-12, 2022 in Istanbul, Turkey.

The Sustainable Developement Goals, purposed by United Nations, is one of the most important global action plans. This plan contains 17 goals, and the number 3 goal is concerned with health and well-being ; the number 4 goal is concerned with quality education, and the number 11 goal is concerned with sustainable cities and communities with the intention of ensuring holistic and active living for all, in all regions of the globe, and all ages. The main theme and focus of IEAHWF 2022 is on UNSDG 17- Goal 3,4,11 and their linkage to other SDG 17 objectives with relevance particular to Euro-Asia. The IEAHWF 2022 overall meeting aim is to promote and engage international experts in discussions concerning various health and well-being themes including physical activity, education, medical and allied health, technology.